Former Inmate Turned Techie Thanks MEDA

‘State Prison Inmate’ doesn’t really jump off a resume and yell, ‘Hire Me!’. But we all gotta start somewhere and Jordan Wood started here. When he got out he was 24 and trying to figure out how to turn his life around. With a little help and a lot of hustle, he ended up at one of the biggest tech companies in the world doing IT work.

See, Jordan got a boost when he was referred to the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA). They’re an organization offering support to families in the Mission District of San Francisco – a historic Latino neighborhood now at the heart of the tech-boom-created rent hikes and local housing and business losses.
Jordan spent 3 months learning the ins and outs of computer hardware, coding and IT at MEDA’s Mission Techies program. A quick learner, he was offered an internship immediately following his training. That internship led to his current engineering gig at a little company called Facebook. Jordan and MEDA are proof that there’s still hope for The American Dream, we’re just going to have to work together to recreate it.

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